permeable pavers australia queensland porous pavers low impact
stomwater monitoring urban retrofits
Pavers      Stormwater Grates      What If?      Lintel & Facia Grates      Bioretention Systems       Kerb Systems      Cleaning     
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What if . . .

... a Municipality had 10,000 storm water entry pits continually discharging pollutants to outfall waterways ...

pollutants into waterways prevent pollution
Rubbish is only litter when it is on the street
... but ...
Rubbish becomes pollution when it collects in outfall waterways
Stormwater Filtration grate stormwater entry pits Permapave Permeable Pavers are an effective filter, removing 100% of gross pollutants from stormwater as it passes through the substrate
. . . Now

... imagine if each of those stormwater entry pits was fitted with a Permapave Stormwater Filtration grate

how permeable pavers filter water water sensitive urban design